Give Yourself An Instant Win
3 things you’re already doing & how to do them better.
What if we told you a small change in your day can result in a big win for your wellness?
You don’t need to drastically change your life or set unattainable goals that you feel hopeless about sticking to from day one. Rather than trying to squeeze in yoga every day or finding time to read a whole book a week, we’re fans of upgrading something you’re already doing.
Here are a few ideas of how to make small changes that will upgrade your daily practices to actually make a difference in the way you feel in your mind and body each day.
Oh, and did we mention that you can do these in under 60 seconds…
Hydration can be something you look forward to.
We’ve all had “drink more water” on our resolution list at least once. And how many of us have actually stuck with it…? Sometimes we just need to create a ritual that we enjoy in order for it to stick.
Our SuperTeas makes hydration something to look forward to. It takes an extra 10 seconds to add SuperTea powder to your water and shake it up, and you get a tasty ritual plus the added benefits of electrolytes and adaptogens in your daily act of drinking water.
Meditate while you sip.
So often, we don’t even try to pause because we feel we “don’t have enough time.” How many of you have wanted to start a meditation practice, but most mornings you skip it because you don’t have a full 15 minutes to dedicate to it?
We’re here to remind you that your meditation practice doesn’t have to be a full 15 minutes. It doesn’t have to be with eyes closed, and it doesn’t have to be sitting in lotus pose.
Meditate for 60 seconds while your kettle heats up.
Meditate for 30 seconds while you froth.
Meditate while you sip your SuperLatte.
Trying to prioritize your sleep?
If you typically crawl into the sheets close to midnight, then setting a resolution to be in bed by 9:00 might not be the most realistic place to start. We’re not saying that you can’t do it. But we want to support you with solutions that actually work, so that you can set yourself up for success. Progress over perfection.
Swap your evening glass of red wine for our Sleeptime SuperLatte. It’s packed with sleep-supportive herbs that promote deeper sleep, even for the nights when you’re closing your eyes later than you wanted to.